si un caso otro día, que la verdad hay muchas fotos bonitas para enseñar ^^

Falda: random 109.

Las dos cosas de Claires.

Hoy he ido a japonés por la tarde y a la salida me he ido de cena a celebrar el cumple d euna amiga que hacía mucho tiempo que no veía ><
Espero tener fotos de hoy pronto, porque con las mías del móvil no se aprecia nada bien =S
Me ha dado la vena y he probado a hacerme la cresta que llevo tanto tiempo queriéndome hacer y por vagueza nunca me ponía a intentarlo.
El resultado....
Camiseta/vestido: Avira pink
Collares: Tutuha y Colu
Botas: Blanco.
Medias y resto de complementos: random
Fox tail: H&M
Es curioso como con casi la misma base de ropa en los dos outfits cambia tanto el estilo con el peinado, maquillage y complementos.
Name: Christina.
Location: Barcelona, Spain.
Occupation: studing, working.
Height: 155 cm.
Hair/Eyes: Dark blonde or Light brown / Blue or grey, I don't really know.
First discovery of gyaru:
So many years ago... 2005 maybe, google images searching about gals!
Your Gyaru Style: (however many you like)
Gyaru-kei. The most I like is wearing sexy outfits.
Your Top 5 Gyaru Model Inspirations:
Your Top 5 Gyaru Non-model Inspirations:
1. Hysterical members.
2. Most of the finnish gyarus!
3. Of course all the street gyarus from
4. Diamond galsa.
Your 3 Favorite Gyaru Magazines:
1. Egg.
2. Nuts.
3. Jelly.
The Top 6 Gyaru Brands you like best:
1. Cocolulu.
2 . D.i.a.
3. Gilfy.
4. Mars.
5. Tutuha.
6. JSG.
3 of Your Favorite Coordinates: (not your own)
(not in this order, but I don’t know right now)
1. T-shirt leopard nd black from shake shake.
2. Shorts from Co&Lu.
3. Long boots from Blanco.
4. Belt from random shop from 109.
5. Underwear from donki ;D
6. Lips t-shirt from Tutuha.
7. Ripped shorts from vence.
Top 10 Gyaru Fashion Goals:
1. Learn to make so much better my haristyle.
2. Wear nice nailart.
3. Use more nd more nd more heels.
4. Learn techpara, not only para para –o-
5. Use less time to make all my outfit hahaha
6. Earn so much money for new clothes.
7. It’s imposible for me but... get tanned!
8. Loose weight? Have better body.
9. Take more care of my hair ><
10. Live in
Top 5 Gyaru Achievements:
1. Hysterical.
2. Be considered gyaru from other people.
3.Feeling confortable with myself.
4. The feeling of want to be better nd better.
5. and....Hysterical? ;D
See ya soon! =)